Thursday 1 June 2017

if life evolves in all of the many universes in a quantum cosmology, and if life continues to exist in all of these universes, then all of these universes, which include all possible histories among them, will approach the Omega Point. At the instant the Omega Point is reached, life will have gained control of all matter and forces not only in a single universe, but in all universes whose existence is logically possible; life will have spread into all spatial regions in all universes which could logically exist, and will have stored an innite amount of information, including all bits of knowledge which it is logically possible to know. And this is the end.

Friday 19 May 2017

Thinking about cosmology

If the universe's expansion speed does not exceed the escape velocity, then the mutualgravitational attraction of all its matter will eventually cause it to contract. If entropycontinues to increase in the contracting phase (see Ergodic hypothesis), the contraction would appear very different from the time reversal of the expansion. While the early universe was highly uniform, a contracting universe would become increasingly clumped. Eventually all matter would collapse into black holes, which would then coalesce producing a unified black hole or Big Crunch singularity. If the density of the universe is greater than the critical density, then the strength of the gravitational force will stop the universe from expanding and the universe will collapse back on itself—assuming that there is no repulsive force such as a cosmological constant. Conversely, if the density of the universe is less than the critical density, the universe will continue to expand and the gravitational pull will not be enough to stop the universe from expanding. This scenario would result in the Big Freeze, where the universe cools as it expands and reaches a state of entropy. One theory proposes that the universe could collapse to the state where it began and then initiate another Big Bang,so in this way the universe would last forever, but would pass through phases of expansion (Big Bang) and contraction (Big Crunch).Another scenario results in a flat universe 

Inspirational lines

Dream”, that’s a powerful word.

You will get knocked down many times chasing your dreams, you will feel like you don’t have the energy to get back up. You don’t have the STRENGTH to get back up. You will feel like giving up is the only option.

When you’re hit, when you’ve been knocked down by life that’s when it’s time to hit back!

Many people get hit by life but they NEVER hit back!

Are you going to stay down or are you going to decide to GET BACK UP!?
It takes COURAGE. It takes CONFIDENCE. 

There’s a lion inside all of us, 
but some people decide to NEVER let that lion out!
Many people keep that lion locked in its cage.

Let the LION OUT.

Talking about that dream won’t take you far. 

Doubters will tell you to “be realistic”.
 Haters will tell you to quit.
YOU are the only one who can go and get it, it’s your dream NO ONE will chase it for you.
 NO ONE will hunt for you.

There’s a quote that goes: “Everyone wants to eat but few are willing to hunt”
EVERYONE want’s to succeed, but few are willing to put in the WORK required!

But it will ONLY take one person to believe that it’s possible, it will ONLY take one person to put in the work.
….That person is YOU!

There’s plenty of humans before you who have accomplished big things, who are LIVING their DREAM life!
They’ve done it. That is PROOF you can too.
It is proof that YOU can live your dream if you REALLY want it!

YOU are the most dangerous enemy to your dreams because ONLY YOU decide when to quit and give up on your dreams.
ONLY YOU decide when to KILL these dreams.

You’re more POWERFUL than you even know! YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD with your dream. But it only requires you to get out of your comfort zone and unleash your inner lion!
It requires you to let that lion out its cage, IT REQUIRES YOU TO CHASE YOUR DREAMS NO MATTER WHAT.

If you have a weak mindset, if you’re afraid of taking risks, you’ll never get far in life.





Dream big and NEVER let SMALL MINDS convince you that your dream is out of reach.
It might be out of reach FOR THEM, but you know better.

Beautiful lines

The wood was asleep, the path through it was dark and winding. There was not a thing stirring, the long twilight was just disappearing and the silence of the night was covering the earth. Through the small opening among the leaves were the stars, brilliant and very close.

Darkness of the night is as necessary as the light of day. The welcoming trees were withdrawn into themselves and distant, they were all around but they were aloof and unapproachable, they were asleep, not to be disturbed. In this quiet darkness, there was growth and flowering, gathering strength to meet the vibrant day, night and day were essential, both gave life, energy, to all living things. Only man dissipates it.


Thursday 18 May 2017

Latest debate on hot spot in universe

A new galaxy survey suggests that a supervoid isn’t responsible for the Cold Spot seen in the cosmic microwave background — the oddity may have a far more ancient origin.
The Big Bang’s fading afterglow has left most of space a remarkably uniform 2.7 degrees above absolute zero. Tiny fluctuations give the afterglow a mottled look, but most of the temperature fluctuations are unremarkable, statistically speaking. However, one cold spot on the sky is not part of this harmony.
The map of the CMB sky produced by the Planck satellite. The large area with anomalously low temperature, known as the CMB Cold Spot, is highlighted in the inset.
ESA / Durham University, UK
Astronomers are still trying to figure out why this so-called Cold Spot exists. New survey results may help them find an explanation—but it’s unclear which explanation is the best match to what the team observes.

How Cold is the Cold Spot?

The Cold Spot’s core spans 10°, or 20 times the size of the full Moon; a slightly warmer halo spans 20°. The core is a whopping 0.00007 kelvin colder than average. That sounds like an awfully small difference, and it is, but it’s big with respect to the other variations we see — the Cold Spot’s average temperature is four times cooler than the average temperature fluctuation in the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the radiation set free 380,000 after the Big Bang.
If this blemish is just a statistical fluke, then we’re living in the only one of 50 universes where such a thing might happen by chance — a big enough fluke to make astronomers uncomfortable.
One non-fluke explanation is that a huge, mostly empty region of space called a supervoid lies along the line of sight to the Cold Spot. CMB photons lose energy when they pass through voids. As a result, photons from this direction of space would appear colder.
This explanation seemed all the more likely when, in 2014, István Szapudi (University of Hawai‘i) and colleaguesdiscovered a supervoid in the direction of the Cold Spot. They found that the void, the largest yet discovered, spanned about 1.8 billion light-years 11.1 billion years after the Big Bang. However, initial calculations showed that the supervoid didn’t fully account for the Cold Spot’s temperature drop.

New Galaxy Survey, New Questions

A new galaxy survey casts further doubt. Astronomers operating the 2dF-VST ATLAS Cold Spot galaxy redshift survey (phew, say that three times fast!) mapped the positions of almost 7,000 galaxies along the line of sight toward the 10°-wide Cold Spot core.
The survey is admittedly sparse — there are a lot more than 7,000 galaxies along that line of sight. But from the data, Ruari Mackenzie (University of Durham, UK), Szapudi, and colleagues detected three voids. The biggest is a tad closer (and therefore older, 11.9 billion years after the Big Bang) and smaller than the 2014 result suggested, and it appears to contain even fewer galaxies than Szapudi’s team had estimated.
Nevertheless, even all three voids are not enough: Mackenzie and colleagues calculate the voids' cooling effect to be just 9 microkelvin — that’s a far cry from explaining the 70 microkelvin temperature drop in the Cold Spot’s core.
So is the Cold Spot supervoid-created, or not? The team members disagree. One complication is the control field. In many scientific studies, a control serves to test what would happen if the theory weren’t true — if, say, the medication weren’t applied in a medical study. In this case, the team has selected as a control a large, average-mottled field of CMB sky. Along this line of sight, the team finds voids of similar size to the Cold Spot supervoid — but no Cold Spot to go along with them.
Based on this control, some on the team conclude the supervoid isn’t to blame, opting for exotic solutions instead (more on that below). However, Szapudi cautions, the control field also contains a big galaxy cluster, and the Cold Spot field does not. That cluster’s heating effect would offset the voids’ cooling effects. “We absolutely do not expect that [this region of space] would project a cold spot on the CMB,” he says.
This figure compares the 3D galaxy distribution in the foreground of the Cosmic Microwave Background's Cold Spot (black points) to the galaxy distribution in an area with no background Cold Spot (red points). The number and size of low galaxy density regions in both areas are similar.
Durham University, UK

The Alternatives

Still, the alternatives are fun to consider — and who knows, they might even prove to be true.
One option is that the early universe went through a phase transition, much like water freezing into ice as it cools. If that happened, it may have left a defect in the CMB, akin to an imperfect snowflake’s not-quite-crystalline pattern. Cosmic inflation ought to have smoothed out any such defects, though, making them a less viable explanation.
Other options involve going beyond the standard theory of inflation. Studies of the CMB have so far validated this theory, so if astronomers want to keep it around, then they have to resort to something pretty crazy to explain the Cold Spot — a collision with another universe.
According to most versions of the inflation paradigm, this exponential expansion, once started, ought to keep going forever. It only stops in pockets, so-called bubble universes. If we live in one such bubble universe, there’s a chance that early in this bubble’s existence, it bumped into another, leaving a cosmic bruise on the CMB.
“The paradox [is] that the craziest-sounding of the exotic models for the explanation of the Cold Spot, the bubble universe collision model, is actually the most standard in terms of the inflation model,” says study coauthor Tom Shanks (University of Durham, UK).
Only time (as well as more galaxy surveys and tests of inherent assumptions) will tell.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Today's Quote

"Two things to keep in mind A time will come when your thought you had to overtake and whether your thinking you will not get ahead"

Monday 13 February 2017

Sunday 12 February 2017

Entropy paradox

The Entropy Paradox
   Mainstream cosmology tries to avoid this puzzling pitfall. The topic is rather embarrassing. The truth of the matter is that both the open and the flat BB universes (these are the versions that have the universe expanding forever) are based on a paradox —actually a double paradox. And what is so embarrassing is that it is the worst kind of paradox one could have in any theory —thermodynamic law violation.
   It is useful to understand the basic fact that heat energy is disordered energy and is therefore the highest entropy form of energy. And we all know that at the primordial big-bang-moment things were hot —really, really hot! In theory, the temperature was at its maximum. Naturally we should be able to assert that entropy was also highest at that moment at the birth of the BB universe. Now if entropy is maximum in the early big bang, then how can entropy increase as it is supposed to during the subsequent evolution of the universe? Entropy is already at maximum! How can it increase further? And yet thermodynamic law says it must increase! ... A paradox.

Recall that the primordial fireball was a thermal state—a hot gas in expanding thermal equilibrium. Recall, also, that the term ‘thermal equilibrium’ refers to a state of maximum entropy. However, the second law demands that in its initial state, the entropy of [the BB] universe was at some sort of minimum, not a maximum!
What has gone wrong? –Roger Penrose [Penrose 1990, p328]

   What is more, the open/flat universe (this includes the currently popular accelerating version), by definition, expands forever. As it expands its regional average temperature becomes colder and colder. In time, stars die, galaxies collapse, black holes evaporate. Left-over radiation is relentlessly redshifted (a consequence of universal space expansion). The temperature —the measure of the weakening radiation— drops. The temperature in all regions of the universe approaches the ultimate low of absolute zero. And in tandem, entropy approaches its ultimate low value. By definition a system at absolute zero has zero entropy. So the universe ends up having an ultimately low entropy when it is supposed to end up (according to proven physical law) in a maximum state of disorder (i.e., high entropy).
   And we are left wondering: How can it be that entropy decrease in this supposedly natural and closed system —the BB-expanding-universe system? The second law is clear, entropy must only increase or remain constant! Again, a paradox.

Gravitational waves -Again Einstein

1.G-waves are ripples in the curvature of space time that propagates as wave at the speed of light Generated in gravitational interaction that propagate outward from the source.
2 .G-waves transport energy as a gravitational radiations similar to electromagnetic radiations
3.Advanced LIGO began observation in September 2015 and on Feb 11,2016 LIGO announced the detection of G-waves. 

Today's Quote

"Mathematics is just a language to understand Universe Game "

Mystery in Cosmology

   One of the world’s most famous astronomers (and unquestionably the world’s expert on peculiar galaxies), Halton Arp, has collected the evidence over many years and —personally as well as professionally— maintains that extragalactic redshifts are not caused by an expanding universe. In taking such a contrarian stand, this distinguished Professor is denying the very foundation of all big bang (BB) models! If the universe does not expand then obviously it does not constitute any sort of big explosion. No big bang! [Arp 1998]

   Halton Arp recognizes the crisis in his field, knows it is on the wrong path, and struggles, in his words, “to get the mainstream of astronomy back on track.”

I believe the observational evidence has become overwhelming, and the Big Bang has in reality been toppled. There is now a need to communicate the new observations, the connections between objects and the new insights into the workings of the universe ---all the primary obligations of academic science, which has generally tried to suppress or ignore such dissident information. –Halton Arp [Arp 1998, Preface]

   One famous physicist/cosmologist, Hannes Alfvén (1908-1995) —a Nobel Laureate (plasma physics 1970) no less— came to recognize and boldly reject the implausible. He was not about to waste time on a road going nowhere. And neither was he going to waste words. To him it was patently evident that the big bang never happened !

There is no rational reason to doubt that the universe has existed indefinitely, for an infinite time. It is only myth that attempts to say how the universe came into being either four thousand years ago or twenty billion years ago. –Hannes Alfvén as in [Lerner 1988]

   What did happen is that those early pioneers, confronted with convincing evidence that cosmic space expands and presented with sound theory that space (the vacuum) must expand, wisely concluded that space indeed expands. But then some of those pioneers got carried away; they decided that the entire Universe must be expanding!
   The astronomers had their redshift measurements of apparently receding galaxies and the relativist theorists had their mathematical magic ... and the rest is history. The Big Bang was adopted as a result of an overzealous utilization of history’s grandest unscientific extrapolation.
   Problem was, and still is, that the extrapolation won’t work. There are serious problems with space-expansion extrapolation (think cosmic-edge paradox) as well as with temporal extrapolation (think beginning-of-universe paradox).

The problem with Big Bang theorists, Alfvén argues, is that they try to extrapolate the origin of the universe from mathematical theories rather than from laboratory phenomena ... –Eric J. Lerner [Lerner 1988]

   Now for some of the details of the treacherous road of obstacles and pitfalls that impede the advancement of space science in general and cosmology in particular. The obstacles are the mysteries and unanswered questions that have led to a state of crisis. For the most part they are the direct consequences of the invalid BB cosmology. Most are simply unresolvable within a universal-expansion paradigm. The following compilation is not in any particular order, except that it begins with the Big Bang’s primordial speck-of-almost-nothing and culminates with the devastating Crisis of 1998.

Theoretical Framework For New theory

Big Bang is just a series of explosions. ...
Before Big Bang there were Matter and Antimatter  already in existence which anhillates give rise to Huge amount of Energy along with space-time and by product of this anhillation is electrons/Proton and then life's begins and other Galaxies and Universes. If can say that Big Bang is series of explosion means in future may be this type of explosion will occur as 13.8 billion years ago one Big Bang has been already completed which condenses to Form our present Universe and Galaxies.

if life evolves in all of the many universes in a quantum cosmology, and if life continues to exist in all of these universes, then all of ...